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Friday, July 22, 2016


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Yikes. So many Madison friends shared photos of the storm. I'm glad you didn't have more damage than you did. Time to check with the in-laws in Verona!

Barbara H.

Oh my, that was quite a storm. You were smart to check on the basement. I hope the cleanup doesn't take too long.

Lisa at Greenbow

Isn't it odd how we are drawn to the very windows we shouldn't be by during a storm? One can hardly stay away. I am glad there wasn't more damage. The rabbit hole must have filled up too.

Rae Kaiser

I had no idea we got that much rain. Since we are in a condo I don't think we had many storm facing windows. We were watching TV in the basement. We did come up about 8:30 and sat watching the most amazing light show over the lake.

Linda from Each Little World

Rae — ​I can imagine what the lightening looked like at your place. It was wild enough here so I am glad there was no serious damage.​

Linda from Each Little World

Lisa — If only the storm had washed away all the rabbits!


Sorry you have a bit of a scare and now a mess to clean. That's a lot of rainfall. We could use some here but hope to see a gentler shower.

Linda from Each Little World

Susie — The rain really pelted a lot of the plants. They are looking pretty bedraggled today. So you definitely want a gentler rain.

Beth @ PlantPostings

Yes, similar damage here. Many Honey Locust branches down and my tall plants (Swamp Milkweed, Bugbane) were blown over and needed to be staked. But the huge Oaks were fine. I can't believe we didn't suffer more damage with 60+ mph winds and four inches of rain in two hours! Glad your garden is OK, too.

Loree / danger garden

Summer storms can be so destructive - even without the artwork storage issue. I'm glad yours wasn't worse - although it looks plenty messy!

Linda from Each Little World

Beth — ​We have one big branch caught in the crotch of a tree that will need a pro to remove it. Mostly perennials got smashed from rain and branches. Total rain with Saturday's two storms is just under 6 and a half inches. And more supposedly today. Ugh.

Linda from Each Little World

Loree — Definitely messy. Barely cleaned up except for the big stuff and we've had two more storms since I took the photos.


Sorry about the mess but I would take a little mess to have the chance of 4" of rain. Hope your art work survived the rain coming in the basement.


How frightening! I'm glad that your damage was minimal and that you're safe, sound, and dry!

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  • The copyright to photos on this Web site is held by the photographer, Mark Golbach, unless credited otherwise. Original text is copyright by Linda Brazill. Please contact for permission to use.