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Thursday, March 24, 2016


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Lisa at Greenbow

Oh for the love of peonies. I hope this works for you. I would love to see your garden set up with all of these umbrellas open and hovering over your peonies. I bet it will be a cheerful sight. I think it calls for a party.

Linda from Each Little World

Lisa — ​I am assuming that if it works for the nursery it will work for me, but my husband did laugh.​

Loree / danger garden

Well that's just magnificent! So will you now buy 3 more?

I have only one (inherited) Peony but just like clock-work as soon as its blooms begin to open we get a rainy few days. They become so heavy the stems bend. Of course the upside to that is I can cut them and bring them inside and feel no guilt!

Linda from Each Little World

Loree — ​I really want to buy 3 more but it feels so over the top. Not the money, just the idea that I am going to so much work to protect flowers from nature!​

Ann of PA

I vote for COOL! And romantic that my fave flower has such a lovely sun umbrella and so nicely constructed too. I love the look of it. Watch out, it may request a tall glass of lemonade... with a straw! ; )

Linda from Each Little World

​Ann — It does conjure up a garden party. Luckily I bought straws a couple of years ago and put them in the box with all the picnic/party gear, so I'm ready. ​

Julie Siegel

Love that plant and the parasol!


I'm envious of people who succeed with peonies. They will grow here, but if you go away for a couple of days, you run the risk of not seeing it bloom until next year.

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  • The copyright to photos on this Web site is held by the photographer, Mark Golbach, unless credited otherwise. Original text is copyright by Linda Brazill. Please contact for permission to use.