This is my full sun garden that's out in the middle of the street in front of our house. It's what's known locally as a traffic island. But I think of it is an example of a garden that survives in spite of everything: drivers run over it, snowplows scrape off the topsoil along with the snow and the city dumps copious amounts of road salt and sand on it each winter while they attempt to keep the roads clear.
These tulips (from Brent & Becky's Bulbs and Old House Gardens) were planted in 2008, so this is their third season of bloom. They could hardly be happier. If you enter "traffic island" in the search button on the top left of the page, all the posts I've written about this garden will come up. You'll find its entire history along with the names of all the tulips.
In addition to catmint, Hakonechloa grass and sedums, Oriental lilies from Brent & Becky are also flourishing. The lilies and tulips are doing better in this location than anywhere else in the garden. Part of it is the light, but I think some of it has to do with the bulbs not getting overwatered in summer since I ignore that little garden unless there is an actual drought. Sometimes, ignoring a plant appears the best way to treat it.
How special that the tulips keep coming up. I have some planted in borders that disappeared for years, but have returned. I hope your neighbors are appreciative of your efforts.
Posted by: Altoon | Friday, May 27, 2011 at 11:30 AM
This sunny garden looks good despite the drawbacks. I thought that forest grass was for shade. Hmmmm Maybe that is why it doesn't do so well in my garden.
Posted by: Lisa at Greenbow | Friday, May 27, 2011 at 06:38 PM
Altoon — I was out working in the traffic island at about 7:15 this morning so there wouldn't be too much traffic. One of the neighbors from down the street stopped to say how great it all looked — until someone hits the sign again! Had to laugh as he is absolutely right.
Lisa — I have forest grass that started in shade until the tree died and it is doing well. So I decided to try a clump in full sun in this rather compromised garden and it is also doing well. Go figure.
I was in a friend's garden the other day and saw lots of things I'm growing that are not doing particularly well, and she had them all growing in completely opposite conditions from mine!
Posted by: LINDA from EACH LITTLE WORLD | Saturday, May 28, 2011 at 11:32 AM
Less is more.
Posted by: Greggo | Sunday, May 29, 2011 at 03:50 PM
Well that's very unique. Those are very resilient tulips. I never thought tulips could grow on a home garden, much less in an island on the middle of the street. I used to think tulips only grew in special farms on Holland. Thanks to this, I'm seriously considering planting tulips on my own garden.
Posted by: Aaliyah Aldaco | Friday, July 01, 2011 at 10:06 AM